Best Friends
While the Parents are Away, the Teens Will Play
Cast of Characters
Emily: Emily is an uptight, straight-A student who plays soccer, basketball
and tennis. She is president of the school’s SADD club, is the editor
of the school newspaper, works on the yearbook staff, and has been
accepted to the colleges of her choice. She is the girl everyone loves
to hate. Emily is the conscience of the group.
Paige: Paige is the homecoming queen, the prom queen, and the party queen.
She hosts great parties when her parents are out of town.
Chloe: Chloe is an artist. She sculpts, she paints and she loves to act in the
school plays.
Nick: Nick is very popular with all the girls in the school. He isn’t the
smartest guy in school, but this works to his advantage because all of
the smart girls want to tutor him. Nick only takes part in extracurricular
activities in which he can meet girls or show off his biceps.
Elliott: Elliott is a wisecracking jokester. He’s a huge fan of the practical
joke; no one ever knows what to expect from him. It can be hard to
know when he’s being serious. Elliott enjoys not taking part in any
extracurricular activities.
Evan: Evan is just as uptight as Emily is. He gets just as good grades as she
does but he is a huge klutz, so he doesn’t play any sports. He is,
however, president of the school’s chess club and debate team. Evan
plays the saxophone in the school’s marching band.
These best friends spend most of their free time in an ice cream shop located around the corner from their school. The name of the ice cream shop is What’s the Scoop? The set can be as simple or as elaborate as you would like it to be. You can arrange six chairs under a What’s the Scoop? sign or you can make a more elaborate setting if you wish. To make it really fun, have your cast members eat real ice cream during the skit. If you choose to make your skit interactive, you can give ice cream to the audience participants.
Scene 1
Emily, Paige, Chloe, Nick, Elliott and Evan are sitting around a table at What’s the Scoop?
So, Paige, are your parents going out of town this weekend?
You know it.
Sweet! So are you gonna throw another huge party, or what?
I was thinking about it, but I got in so much trouble the last time that I’m not sure if I’m gonna.
Yeah, and I got grounded because I told my mom and dad that your parents were home that night. When my mom ran into your mom at the grocery store a few days later, she figured everything out. I was only allowed to leave the house for school and play rehearsal for the next month!
Oh, you think that’s bad? I had my cell phone taken away for six weeks, and I could only drive my car to school and back! My dad said that if I had any more parties, he was shipping me off to military school for good.
I’ve tried to be really honest with my parents. I think they know that if I’m ever at a party and someone offers me drugs or alcohol that I won’t take anything. Now they pretty much trust that I’ll make good decisions at parties, so they generally let me go out as long as I promise to call if there’s a problem or if I need a safe ride home.
You’re so lucky. I’m the youngest in my family, and my parents saw how crazy my older brothers were. Now they don’t let me do anything except go to club meetings and tutoring.
Dude, you’re going about this the wrong way. I’m the youngest of six and I do whatever I want. My parents were so tired of punishing my older sisters and brothers that they don’t really pay any attention to me. They’re totally thrilled if I’m not around on the weekends, because they figure I’m with you.
C’mon, Paige, you’re like the queen of parties. This is our senior year. Do you really want to have the lamest senior year in the history of the school? Your parents will never know.
(looking to Emily and Chloe for advice) I don’t know. What do you guys think?
Well, if you don’t have a party this weekend, what else will we do? I mean, do you really want to spend one more Saturday night here at What’s the Scoop? It seems like we’ve done that every weekend since we were freshmen.
What do you think, Em?
I don’t really want to get in the middle of this. I’d love to hang out with you guys as usual, but I don’t want Paige to get in trouble. Plus I don’t want to have to lie to anyone’s parents like I did last time.
What are you talking about?
Last time Paige had a party, I was everyone’s alibi and it was totally lame. I had such a hard
time keeping the stories straight. Supposedly, Nick was at Elliott’s house, Elliott was at my house (make the hand gesture for quote marks) “working on a project,” and Chloe was staying at Paige’s because she was scared to stay in the house alone while her parents were away. A bunch of people ended up getting wasted and passing out at Paige’s. When I came home from the party, my mom told me that Elliott’s father had called looking for him because Nick’s mom had called Elliott’s house looking for Nick. It was a huge
mess and I swore I’d never do it again.
Paige, you can’t let one person talk you out of this. It’s Emily, after all.
She stresses about everything!
I don’t know. I’ll think about it tonight and let you guys know tomorrow.
Scene 2
Nick, Chloe and Paige are in the hallway between classes.
So, Paige, are you having the party this weekend or what?
Yeah, what did you decide?
I don’t know. I was thinking about it all last night. My mom said I could have a friend or two spend the night if I don’t want to stay home alone. I just don’t want the house trashed or for my parents to find out.
It’ll be OK. We won’t invite that many people.
We? What do you mean “we?”
You know what I mean. It’ll just be the six of us and a few of our other friends.
You could invite that cute guy Robbie from your math class.
That’s true. It would be the perfect opportunity to get to know him better. (She pauses to think as Nick and Chloe look at her hopefully.)
Oh, OK. It’s senior year, so if we can’t live it up now, when can we?
Sweet! I’m going to tell Amanda and Molly, and Ashley and…
(interrupting Nick)
I thought we agreed that we wouldn’t invite too many other people.
Right, right… of course. Just a few of our closest friends.
Scene 3
The party at Paige’s house (loud music, lots of people)
(To Chloe and Emily)
I thought I said a few people. It looks like half the school is here.
I only told the people in my art class.
I only told the girls on the soccer team.
And Nick probably invited the rest of the girls in the school.
(approaches the girls)
So is this what “just a few people” looks like?
I can’t believe how out of control this is. My parents are going to kill me!
(approaches the group with a girl on each arm)
Great party, Paige! I think this is the best one yet.
It’s not so great if you ask me. I said only a few people. I am going to be in so much trouble, thanks to you.
What’s the big deal?
A large group of big guys walks by with a case of beer.
That’s the big deal. Where did that beer come from?
(staggers over to the group with a can in his hand)
So this is what a senior party is like. I could get used to this.
Yeah, now you just have to actually be a senior.
Evan, where’d you get that beer?
There’s like two cases in the fridge. I just took one.
Oh great. Now people are stocking the fridge with beer? I’m dead.
(to Paige)
This is getting a little out of control. Do you want me to help you ask people to leave?
Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.
Emily starts to walk around the group and asks people to leave.
What about the people who’ve been drinking?
What about them?
Well, you don’t want them driving, do you?
Oh no. I didn’t even think of that.
Yeah. Good point, Chloe. If people get pulled over, they’ll be in serious trouble. I hear that .02 law is pretty serious.
What’s that?
Well, basically it says that since it’s illegal for anyone who’s under 21 to drink to drive, if you get caught driving with even a drop of alcohol in your system, you’re screwed.
What am I going to do? This is a nightmare. I knew I shouldn’t have let Nick talk me into this.
Let’s just worry about getting people out of here and getting them home safely. Emily’s already asked a bunch of people to leave. Let’s get rid of the beer so that no one drinks anymore.
I’ll stand by the door and not let anyone who has been drinking leave. Should I make them call their parents?
Oh, yeah, right. Like anyone’s going to do that.
Well, what other choice do they have? We can’t let people drive if they’ve been drinking and we don’t really want them to have designated drivers either, because that makes it seem like it’s OK that they’ve been drinking. I’ll just let them use my cell phone to call their parents.
When the parents arrive, you can explain that you didn’t buy the beer and that when people showed up with it, you asked everyone to leave and threw the rest away.
That sounds like a terrible plan. Not only are my parents going to find out when they get back, but all these people’s parents will find out that their kids have been drinking, and I’m going to be in some serious trouble.
Well, your other choice is to call the cops, and I’m sure dealing with them is going to be a lot scarier than dealing with your parents. But if you think it’s too out of control, maybe you should call them even if you do it anonymously.
I think Elliott’s right. Parents will be so glad that you asked their kids to call them so that they wouldn’t get arrested or have an accident. If you just let them leave, you could end up being responsible if anything happens to people because they drank in your house.
I guess that’s really the safest thing to do then, isn’t it? (Chloe, Elliott and Evan agree.) I’m going to start by taking this away from you. (She takes the can from Elliott) You’re one of my friends and I need your help to get everyone out of here and home safely. If you’re drinking, that totally sends the wrong message.
Returning to the group
Elliott, you and Paige and I should go stand by the door with our phones. Be prepared, because I think people are going to be pretty upset at us for making them call their parents.
Where’s Nick?
I think I saw him out on the deck with the cheerleaders.
Has he been drinking?
Evan, Chloe, Elliott and Emily look at one another and shrug their shoulders.
Well, if no one knows for sure, we should probably make him call home.
Oh, he’ll love that.
Too bad. I’d rather he’s mad at us than dead because we let him drive
after drinking.
Let’s get moving. People are starting to leave.
Scene 4
The group is sitting around the table at What’s the Scoop?
So, Paige, did you get in a ton of trouble?
Let’s just say that my parents won’t be going out of town again until I leave for college. And I probably won’t be leaving the house until then, either.
But they must have been proud of the way that you handled the situation.
Yeah, they were. They were just upset that I made the choice to invite people over in the first place. But they were glad that we didn’t just let people leave and that we made them call their parents.
My parents thought I was pretty stupid for drinking, but they said I was lucky to have friends like you guys who helped me make the safest possible choice.
Did you hear what happened to Big Mike?
The football player?
Yeah. He got thrown off the team because the coach found out that he was the one who brought the beer to the party. He is not happy, because now he lost his chances for an athletic scholarship to college since he can’t play in his senior year.
That's a bummer, but he made a bad choice. The coach made a really big deal about not drinking at the beginning of the year. Mike knew he’d get kicked off the team if he got caught.
Well, I’m just thankful that I had all of you to help me through a tough situation. I think from now on we should just stick to hanging out here. It’s just not worth getting in trouble. Everyone else agrees, and they all dig into their ice cream.